New Articles Posted
I finally got around to posting the three (fairly) recent articles that were tweeted (@FiatLingua) in the Magazine section of the Library. Namely, the one on ROILA (the spoken robot language), the one on “how to write the next great alien language” from io9, and one from Crossed Genres. Á harya alassë!
Recent Additions
The Conlanging Librarian has been busy adding new items to the Library:
- A new book has been added to Books (Science Fiction): Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp.
- Several new articles and a video (from Arika’s appearance at Geeking Out) have been added to the Press Coverage of Arika Okrent and her popular book.
- And, finally, a new article by Arika Okrent herself that appeared at about Paul Frommer’s Na’vi. Find this one in the Press Coverage of Dr. Frommer and his language of Pandora.
Great New York Times Column
A March 10, 2010, column from the New York Times has been posted to the Newspaper Articles in TCL. Arika Okrent and Paul Frommer have responded to readers’ questions about “invented languages” and provided some very in-depth answers. Enjoy!
John Quijada and Ithkuil Article
John Quijada, creator of Ithkuil and Ilaksh, has achieved prominence in the conlang community as well as international acclaim. A new article from the Russian magazine Komputerra has been been posted in PDF format to the Magazine section of The Conlanger’s Library. Although the interview appeared in Komputerra in April 2009, the original interview took place in 2004. John has also graciously donated a transcript of the original interview as well as a follow-up and this is also available at TCL.
New Newspaper Article
A new article on the Na’vi language of James Cameron’s Avatar has been posted in TCL’s Newspaper articles section.
Another article of note has also been found online, although this isn’t a conlang so it won’t be added to TCL. This one has to do with Cockney rhyming slang on bank machines. The article, from the Times Online, has a great image of the machine’s screen with choices like “Sausage and Mash with Receipt”.
An Article and a Link
Two new resources have been added to TCL:
The first is an article from the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Daily newspaper posted in Newspaper Articles. It’s about the local Minnesota company that wrote the app for the Klingon Dictionary (but also include information about d’Armond Speers’ 3-year “experiment” in speaking Klingon to his son).
The other resource, posted in the Linguistics Online Resources page, is a handy online tool for converting IPA characters into HTML: θæŋk ju
A Top Ten List
A new Wired article has been posted to the Magazine section of The Conlanger’s Library (to make up for the one from 1996 posted earlier). This one is entitled “Top Ten Geekiest Constructed Languages.” As with any top ten list, this one has some interesting comments about others’ nominations for geekiest. The consensus (by several) seems to be Lojban. That’s not my opinion…just the posters’ on Wired.
New Additions to TCL
Several new additions to TCL have been posted in Quotations and Articles.
Some quotations from Charles Darwin are now up in the Language section in honor of The Year of Darwin. There’s also a nice quote from poet Tim Seibles from his poem “Latin” which appears in Hammerlock.
The newest Magazine article isn’t new, but, if you haven’t seen it before, Wired had an article by Gavin Edwards in 1996 with a Klingon title and a subtitle of “Whether Klingon or Esperanto or C, articial languages exert a powerful hold over the human imagination”. See the link in TCL‘s Magazine section.