Magazine (Both in print and online)
io9: We Come From the Future - July 15, 2010 - How to write the next great alien language by Alasdair Wilkins
PopSci: The Future is Now - July 14, 2010 - ROILA, a New Spoken Language Designed for Robots by Rebecca Boyle
Scientific American: Guest Blog - June 3, 2010 - The Dothraki response to a call for science in a created language (A response to Joshua Hartshorne's posting below) by Sai Emrys and David J. Peterson
Crossed Genres: The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy with a Twist - May 24, 2010 - Alien Languages: Not Human by Anassa Rhenisch
Scientific American: Guest Blog - April 26, 2010 - Fantasy TV in the service of science: An open letter to HBO about "Dothraki" by Joshua Hartshorne
Tor.com - April 22, 2010 - Creating Dothraki: An Interview with David J. Peterson and Sai Emrys by Ellen B. Wright
Wired UK - March 2010 - PDF available from LCS along with commentary by David J. Peterson.
Wired (online in GeekDad section) - August 26, 2009 - Top Ten Geekiest Constructed Languages
Languagehat.com - May 18, 2009 - The Bookshelf: In the Land of Invented Languages - A review of Arika Okrent's book.
Komputerra - April 28, 2009 - Ithkuil i ego philosophskiy dizayn: interv'yu s sozdatelem yazyka Dzhonom Kikhadoy by Mikhail Gertelman - This is an interview with John Quijada which appeared in a Russian magazine about his language Ithkuil. John has graciously provided a transcript of the original interview and a follow-up, available here. (For a previous article in the same magazine with a section on Ithkuil, see below: July 20, 2004).
Der Spiegel Online - November 25, 2008 - "nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'?", by Ariane Stürmer (German, principally about auxlangs; Google translation) The online article also includes a slideshow of conlang-related images.
Tin House - Summer 2007 (Vol. 8, #4) - Among the Klingons by Arika Okrent
VOYA (Voice of Youth Advocates) - August 2007 - I Want to Speak Elvish! Teens and the World of Imaginary Languages by Don Boozer
Library Journal - September 15, 2006 - The Reader's Shelf - Speaking in Tongues by Don Boozer
Computerra Online (Russian) - July 20, 2004 - The Speed of Thought by Stanislav Koslovsky. A summary and (English) excerpts from the article are published here.
Inc. - May 2003 - Way Beyond BASIC: The language of business is Greek to some; to Jeff Henning, it's Karklak. by Matthew Fogel.
Wired - August 1999 (Issue 7.08) - Babble On Revisited by Gavin Edwards (A follow-up to the August 1996 Wired article below updating d'Armond Speers' attempts to teach his toddler Klingon).
Wired - August 1996 (Issue 4.08) - Dejpu'bogh Hov rur qablli!* by Gavin Edwards.
ERBzine, #1508 (online) - Linguistic Archaeology and Orovars at www.erbzine.com/mag15/1508.html - Explores the protolanguage of Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom.
TV Guide - September 11, 1976 - Me Tobi Ye, Abimi?: An article on the Pakuni language from the television show Land of the Lost. Original posting online is here.
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