First edition of Gulliver's Travels

Popular Nonfiction

This page of nonfiction provides enjoyable reading aimed at a popular, but well-educated and curious, audience. A lot of practical information as well as an enjoyable read is available to the conlanger from these works. One personal favorite of the Conlanging Librarian's is Guy Deutscher's book. Á harya alassë!

Beside many items in The Conlanger's Library are links to vendor affiliate sites (Book Depository and Indie Bound ). The Language Creation Society receives a portion of all the purchases made through these sites. We have removed, at present, links to pages. In the event that Amazon reinstates its affiliate program in California, we will consider re-adding links to the items on these pages.

There is also a WorldCat search link available to assist readers in locating resources through their local library.

Contact The Conlanging Librarian at library -at- conlang -dot- org with suggestions for additions to the library.

cover of I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears
cover of How Languages Work
cover of The Unfolding of Language
cover of The First Word
cover of The Power of Babel
cover of Arika Okrent book
cover of Limits of Language
cover of Language Instinct
cover of Stuff of Thought
cover of Words and Rules
cover of Fous du Langage