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A Holiday for Conlangers

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2010 in Conlanging, Rant
Hildegard of Bingen's Litterae ignotae

St. Hildegard von Bingen's Litterare Ignotae

The Irish (and those who want to be Irish) have St. Patrick‘s Day on March 17. The romantic have (St.) Valentine‘s Day on February 14. Both of these well-known holidays – now very secular – started out (and remain) the feast or memorial days of these two saints. (Check out Butler’s Lives of the Saints). If only conlangers had a holiday like these…

Right now, Esperanto enthusiasts have their Zamenhofa Tago. Klingon-speakers have their qepmey. And, of course, there are the Language Creation Conferences (which are lots of fun but also like work for organizers and presenters).

…but wait, conlangers do have their own unofficial saint – Hildegard von Bingen. Hildegard was also known as the Sibyl of the Rhine and would have been an incredible woman in any age, let alone the 12th century. One of the best print resources concerning Hildegard is Dr. Sarah Higley’s Hildegard of Bingen’s Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and Discussion. Hildegard’s feast day is commemorated each September 17.

So, my proposal is that we, as conlangers, celebrate the art, craft, and science of language construction each September 17. It would be an ecumenical holiday, able to be celebrated by conlangers of all kinds: artlangers, auxlangers, and engelangers.

First, there are several ways one could refer to the holiday. The full St. Hildegard’s Day, simply Hildegard’s Day, the abbreviated St. Hilde’s Day, or, if you like, Hildefest. My personal preference is St. Hilde’s Day. For me, it just falls more trippingly off the tongue. But that’s just me.

What are some St. Hilde’s Day greetings? St. Patrick’s Day has Erin go bragh! Christmas has the traditional “merry”. New Year’s has “happy.” Well, there’s always words from Hildegard’s Lingua Ignota like chorzta “sparkling”. Maybe someone who knows the vocabulary of Lingua Ignota could chime in. For the time being: “Happy Hilde’s Day!”.

How would one celebrate St. Hilde’s Day? That’s up to the community of conlangers. I posted something about this on both Twitter and CONLANG-L. Some suggestions include coffee (or tea) and grammar, finishing up a languishing conlang project (or starting a new one), composing conlang music or poetry (St. Hildegard did both!), buying a conlang/linguistics book you’ve been putting off, etc. There was also the first Concultural Card Exchange this past holiday season. What about exchanging these kinds of cards on September 17? What about choosing this date to share a conlanging program at your local library or writers’ circle. The possibilities are numerous. And Hildegard was German…so that means beer, right?

One comment from the illustrious David Peterson is absolutely priceless and has to be shared: “Shouldn’t we participate in rampant commercialism somehow, so that in years to come, we can say, ‘St. Hildegard’s Day used to be about the conlanging!'” 🙂

So, there’s my proposal. When September 17, 2011, rolls around, how will you celebrate St. Hilde’s Day?